Free and Low Cost Mental Health Supports

Here are some helpful free and low cost mental health supports in the Halton region and beyond:
- ConnexOntario Mental Health Helpline, which offers local services for mental health, addiction and problem gambling.
- CAMH Mental Health and the COVID-19 pandemic webpage, which provides information and suggestions about how best to cope in this difficult time.
- BounceBack, a free, evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program that provides guided mental health self-help supports for adults and youth 15 years old and older using workbooks, online videos and phone coaching. Call 1-866-345-0224.
- Progress Place Warm Line, a way for adults who are feeling lonely, isolated, anxious and depressed to chat online, text, or call a peer support worker. Text 647-557-5882 or call 416-960-WARM (9276).
- Takecare 19, online community-sourced mental health supports for coping through COVID-19
- Anxiety Canada, Coping with COVID-19 resources, including a free, scientifically-based anxiety tool, a step-by-step guide for anxiety management and online town halls with experts to answer questions on anxiety-related topics.
- AbilitiCBT, a program to help address anxiety symptoms related to pandemics.
- BEACON digital therapy, internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy to support residents through stress and mental well-being concerns during COVID-19.