And Now for Some Good News!

We need some good news. Did you know humans have a negativity bias? Most of us can recall a time when a positive event took a turn for the worse after we received negative feedback, no matter how minor. Our tendency to focus more on the negative things that happen in our lives isn’t all bad. For example, it can be protective in some ways and can assist us with motivation and decision making. However, it can also increase stress and anxiety at work, in relationships, and impact our hopes for the future. Right now, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with difficult and scary information related to COVID-19, and our negativity bias (both on a personal and collective level) is ACTIVATED! To learn more about how to help balance our attention to negative events and increase our perception of good news, see the link below.
Let’s look for the helpers and find some good news! In an attempt to combat the effects of a negativity bias (at a time when there is a lot of negative events to be shared), John Krasinski has been sharing some good news from around the world. Tune in below for Episode One! #lookforthehelpers!